
Fun in Story Time

It is so great to have so many happy mom’s and kids that we are almost outgrowing our room. Some show up 30 minutes before Story Time is even supposed to start! They read books and play together and then many go back to if after Story Time. We also have the mom’s who arrive after we start as life with children is never a simple on time everywhere thing! We even get dad’s in story time!

It is so much fun to see the kids engaging in stories. When we do animals I can hardly keep the kids from coming up to point out where the lion is or the elephant is. They get so excited I find myself saying while trying not to laugh “Sit down sit down. Everyone wants to see.” And our songs echo off the walls and can be heard in the library! You probably know many of them…  Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head and Shoulders! At least one of the 3 – 5 year olds asks if we can sing Head and Shoulders faster and faster. We never say no and all end up laughing!

Check out the Events page to see when the next Story Time is. We cannot wait to see you!